Library Resource Access
The CSC Library subscribes to a variety of article and book databases to facilitate campus research. When students, faculty, and staff are on campus and using the local area network (LAN), they need only to go to the Library Learning Common's website -- -- to gain access to these resources.
Use the Search Box on the main library webpage to find print materials in the collection, eBooks, and Journal articles - peer reviewed and full text articles.
To access an eBooks owned by the CSC Library, go to Search Library Catalog, on the library's main webpage. When the library catalog opens, click on Featured Lists in the upper right. Then select "CSC eBooks we own".
Distance students who need print materials for their use and research may complete an Interlibrary Loan form to receive print titles from the King Library, and/or print titles from other libraries across the nation. If you have questions about Interlibrary Loan, email Christine Fullerton, Public Services Librarian at or call 308-432-6271.
Online Access
When students, faculty, and staff are off campus, they are no longer on the LAN. This means that an additional step is required to gain access. Because databases are limited to students, faculty, and staff, it is necessary to enter CSC credentials to access these resources from off-campus
As part of the application process, Information Technology (IT) sends a set of two usernames and passwords to new students. These usernames and passwords provide access to various campus resources, including:
- Username looks like – 99999999 (8 digit ID)
- Used for – Course enrollment, Accessing grades & transcripts, Billing/payment status
- Campus
- Username looks like – john.student OR jostud
- Used for – EagleMail, CSC Online/Canvas, library databases, device registration, on campus computers login
When you try to access library resources (eBooks, article databases, etc.) from off campus, you will see a login prompt (example below). To access the library resources, enter your campus username and password.
Creating your own persistent link to an online subscription through Chadron State College:
Once you have followed the process below to access a database the library does recommend creating a sign-in using your campus email and your own password (doesn't need to be your campus email password) when this option is available from the database.
This will establish persistent, direct access to the eBook, article database, or online newspapers through our campus subscription. When sign on is available, using your campus email to access a periodical should connect you directly to the Chadron State College subscription. If you have any questions, email for assistance.
If you’re not sure of your password or if you have other technology issues, contact the IT Help Desk. The IT Help Desk is open Monday-Thursday 7:30am-7:30pm and Friday 7:30am-4:30pm and Sunday 1:00pm - 5pm. They can be reached:
- In person– The IT Help Desk is located on the main floor of the Library Learning Commons
- Phone – 308-432-6311
- Email -
When contacting IT about password issues, you will need to provide your name and permanent home address before IT can reset your password.
If you have any questions about research or how to find academic resources, contact the Library:
- In person – The Library Circulation and Reference Desks are located on the main floor of the Library Learning Commons
- Phone – 308-432-6271
- Email –
- Reach out directly to your subject liaison librarian.